Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I have been writing for a lot of years now. I write for a local town paper back in Ohio and I send out email articles to a couple of thousand people around the world. The response I received is for the most part encouraging. Several times I have considered laying aside my pen (so to speak), but then I'll receive a comment or questions or a note of encouragement from some reader.

Over the years I have become acquainted with quite a number of new friends because of my writings (as well as a couple of folks who have taken exception to something I have written). All in all it has been a blessing to me through the years. When you write, as I do, you put yourself out there in front of people and reveal things about who you really are and what you really believe that many could not bring themselves to do.

I was thinking about my many friends and acquaintances and a passage from Proverbs came to mind. The writer said at one point, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another". (Proverbs 27:17). Now when I started writing I never imagined that I would be starting a Bible question and answer ministry. I never imagined that I would do "online" counseling. I never imagined that through the miracle of the Internet, I would received emails from people literally all over the world, to whom someone has sent some of my writings. I never imagined that I would become close friends with people through correspondence (as close as you can become, never actually meeting face to face).

I've been asked before, "How much do you get paid for your writing?" The answer is always the same. I get paid nothing, but the value I receive emotionally and spiritually can not be weighed or measured.

Through this writing I have been "sharpened." I have been forced to look deeper at my beliefs, my faith and my relationship to God because of the comments and questions you send my way. But then, that's what friends do… They keep you sharp!

So a special thanks to all of you who have questioned and encouraged (or just put up with my rambling). You have been a blessing to me!

The question perhaps for you is, "Who sharpens you?" I have known people who can't take criticism at all, can't stand for anyone to question their stances or their beliefs. If that's you, then you are missing a blessing in life. Now, I did not say it was easy to deal with questions or criticism, but if you want to stay sharp you have to have it from time to time. In fact I would go as far as to say, that if you are never questioned, then you are either doing something wrong, or doing nothing at all. The old saying still rings true, "If you want never to be criticized, then, do nothing, say nothing and stand for nothing."

 I believe that God intends for each of us to make a difference in our world. To be that light shining from the candle (Matthew 5:15), to "let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." Matthew 5:16) Maybe it's time for you to take a chance, make a statement, or make a stand for God. What do you think?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


My wife and I got to go with some good friends to see a High School play titled: Once upon a mattress. For those who don't know the story line, it is something like this: To test a girl (who claimed to be a princess) to see if she was a real princess, a dried pea was placed under 20 mattresses by the evil queen. If the girl felt the pea it proved she was a real princess because of her extreme sensitivity. The girl in the play passed the test, (with a little help from her friends). She felt the pea, proved she was a real princess and passed the test.

As I thought about that simple play, I thought about how much it mirrored real life. We often claim to be "real" Christians to our families, our friends, our co-workers and perhaps the world in general. In fact we can claim to be real royalty also.1 Peter 2:9 tells us, "But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light."

The devil is intent on proving that we are not special, not royalty, not Christians. Much like the evil queen in the play, he constantly presents us with tests designed to cause us to fail in being worth to wear the name "Christian".

Surviving these tests is never easy and often quite unpleasant. It could be resisting the influence of someone at school or work, or even within your own family to say some un-Christian word, loose control of our emotions or participate in some un-Christian act. It might be the influence of the world that causes us to be tempted to forget our Christian values, morals or ethics.

Satan tries to hide many lumps under the mattresses that make up the layers of our lives. The only true protection we have is to remain true to our relationship to Christ. Our world (guided by Satan) will lie to you and try to cause you to doubt God, His Word and other believers. I like what Paul wrote in Romans 3:4, "Even if everyone else is a liar, God is true."

Now in the play, as I said, the princess passed the test because of the help of her friends. We as Christians need to be there to help one another also; because that is the only way we will survive in this world. One of my favorite passages is Hebrews 3:12-14, where we read: "Be careful then, dear brothers and sisters. Make sure that your own hearts are not evil and unbelieving, turning you away from the living God. You must warn each other every day, while it is still “today,” so that none of you will be deceived by sin and hardened against God. For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ."

This is one of my favorite passages, because I know I can't make it through this world alone. I need your encouragement in my life and I believe that you need the encouragement of other Christians also.

How about you, will you be proven royalty or not?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Don't Be Afraid

It is sometimes difficult to picture the real message of some scriptures. One of the best known scriptures is what is called "The Sermon on the Mount" found in Matthew 5-6-7.  In these chapters Jesus gives many insights in to our daily Christian living and our relationship to one another as well as with God.

Jesus also spends a lot of time dealing with our relationship with God the Father and how we learn to trust him. How much do you really trust God? In Matthew 6:25-27 Jesus says:  That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?"

My wife and I have been struggling with a rather mundane decision, yet one that affects our daily lives. We both believe very deeply that God loves us and helps guide our decisions "IF" we invite him to do so and really make him part of our lives. Some folks really don't know God that well. They really don't want to ask him to make the decision for them or trust him enough to live with whatever comes your way. Many really don't see God (either around them or in their mind's eye) and therefore really can't trust him to take care of them.

Our oldest son shared what trust really is about through the comments of our 5 year old granddaughter, Allison. They have been on a trip to Washington, DC, perhaps noticing all of the pigeons she said, "Daddy, Birds are afraid of us, but they're not afraid of God. They can just fly up and see him!"

How about that for faith and understanding? Don't you wish you had thought of that? Of what or who are you afraid. What is it that you are wanting? What are you wanting to change or perhaps needing direction for? There is an interesting thought in James 3:2-3 that relates to these questions. Notice what James says there (in part): "… you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it. And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong …"

There is a powerful hymn that we often sing. Some of the words speak to our trust and faith in God. The hymn says, "Some Glad morning when this life is o'er, I'll fly away;
to a home on God's celestial shores I'll fly away

Yes, just like the birds, some day we will be able to "just fly up and see him!" Won't that be great!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11, A date that changed some…

There are very few dates in our American History that are as well known as 9/11. How many dates come to your minds that have special meanings? July 4, our Independence Day; then there is December 7th, Pearly Harbor Day. Sure there are other special days; Christmas; Easter; Birthdays; Anniversaries and such. But no one day has so touched our now living generations as September Eleventh.

That day on which we were brutally attacked and thousands killed left an indelible mark on our nation and on the hearts of those who were alive to witness this exhibition of savagery.

At that time our nation was drawn together! People, who did not make it a practice to worship God, flocked to our churches. Strangers came together for comfort; people asked “How could anyone do such a thing?” People cried, people prayed, people gave of themselves and their money; people searched their souls, maybe some for the first time and considered their relationship to God and eternal life.

What has changed over the passing of a few years? What has happened to the overwhelming need to reconnect to God? Why are our churches not still overflowing with people searching for something outside of themselves?

You know the answer as well as I, because you experience it and fight against it just as I do. Satan, the one who twists men and women’s hearts has told folks, “Don’t worry about it, it will never happen to you.” And they believe him! Now he doesn’t tell them in those words, but he has drawn off their attentions from God, from their souls, from what might happen in eternity.

If you think about it, not much has changed in 2000 years. Our Lord and Savior was subjected to savagery and brutality and murdered. The response was fairly quick, within months there were literally thousands of people who responded to the message of what has happened. They learned how much their God could love them through the death of Jesus of Nazareth. The churches grew, they dealt with more savage attacks and stood firm because they were the generation which had experience it. But Satan used the same methods then that he does now and many forgot, many quit attending, nothing has changed.

However there are always a faithful few, the hope of the world, the apple of God’s eye, the ones with hope and faith in their hearts that reject Satan’s lies. Which group are you in?

Do you remember what Jesus said in Revelation  2:5, "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works ... " Jesus warned he would spit folks (who were not keeping their promise to him), out of his mouth…"! Rev 3:16

Russ Lawson

Friday, September 7, 2012


 QUESTION: Russ, I am confused by the idea of being "Led by the Holy Spirit" today. Some of my friends talk about how the Spirit works in their lives, yet I don't feel him or understand how he could possibly direct me. Can you clarify this for me?


I made a statement to a friend recently regarding the fact that I believed that the "Spirit" led us as Christians today, IF we allowed him to do so. He believes the same way I do about the Spirit working in our lives today, but warned me, "A lot of folks would not understand what you are saying, and they would think that you are Charismatic regarding the Holy Spirit." We both know that I am about as far away from the "Charismatic movement" as you can get. I will set the foundation of what I am writing here, but saying I am about as conservative and traditional as you can get. Yet, I sincerely believe that we can be "Led by the Holy Spirit", if we will open ourselves up to him.

I know that may sound like a huge contradiction to some, but I don't believe it is. I believe that God promised us the Holy Spirit; that the Spirit is given for a purpose and is still active in the lives of believers today.

Now, I don't know if I have ever tried to explain my views in detail before, so perhaps this will be a learning and growing study for both you and I.

If I had to choose baseline or foundation scriptures regarding this topic (and I guess I do) there are several I lean towards. The first is Acts 2:38, one of the best known verses in the New Testament. We read, "Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." (NIV)

No one can deny that the promise is made very clearly in this verse that we "WILL receive the gift of the Holy Spirit". The question is, "If we have him, what does he do for us and what do we do with him?" That is indeed the question isn't it? We as Christians (for the most part) believe that we have the Spirit, but don't know what for! Our Charismatic (or sometimes called "Pentecostal" friends, feel strongly that, "if we have the Holy Spirit, it must be confirmed by some outward sign. Is that the case or not, or could it just be that God has another purpose for providing us with the gift of the Holy Spirit without being manifest through outward signs?

The Apostle Paul thought that having the Holy Spirit inside of us was an indication of whether or not we are really Christians. He wrote in Romans 8:9-11, "You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you." (NIV)

I know that this verse is puzzling to some of you! Paul made it very clear that we as God's children do have the Spirit, because as he said, "if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ"! So what about you, do you have the "Spirit" or not? Notice this modern translation of this verse: "But you are not controlled by your sinful nature. You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them are not Christians at all.)" (NLT)

Most of you probably will agree that the Spirit is necessary for us to be considered Christians, but it leaves the question, "If we have him what does he do, or what do we do with him?"

Paul carries on this instruction adding to the confusion of many in Romans 8:13 -16. Notice what he says here; "For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children." (NIV)

In this verse we see that not only do we have the Spirit, but that he does some things in our lives. The Spirit "puts to death the misdeeds of the body." The Spirit "leads" those who are "sons of God". By the Spirit, we cry out to God! The Spirit testifies to God that we are his Children.

The word translated as "Led" here in Romans 8:14 is the Greek word "ag'-o" . In Strong's Greek Dictionary of New Testament words we read, " ago ag’-o; a primary verb; properly, to lead; by implication, to bring, drive, (reflexively) go, (specially) pass (time), or (figuratively) induce: be, bring (forth), carry, (let) go, keep, lead away, be open."

Notice what we read about this in Barne's Notes:

"As are led. As submit to his influence and control. The Spirit is represented as influencing, suggesting, and controlling. One evidence of piety is, a willingness to yield to that influence, and submit to him. One decided evidence of the want of piety is, where there is an unwillingness to submit to that influence, but where the Holy Spirit is grieved and resisted. All Christians submit to his influence; all sinners decidedly reject it and oppose it. The influence of the Spirit, if followed, would lead every man to heaven. But when neglected, rejected, or despised, man goes down to hell. The glory belongs to the conducting Spirit when man is saved; the fault is man’s when he is lost.  The apostle here does not agitate the question how it is that the people of God are led by the Spirit, or why they yield to it when others resist it. His design is simply to state the fact, that they who are thus led are the sons of God…"(Barne's New Testament Notes).

Another author has this to say:

"The phrase is borrowed (says another) either from those who are guided and directed as a blind man in his way; or from those who, wanting strength of their own, are borne and carried of others: so we are both ways led by the Spirit, for we can neither see our way, unless the Spirit direct us; nor have we strength to walk in it, unless the Spirit assist and draw us along. The Spirit leads and draws us irresistibly and necessarily, and yet not violently or against our wills; though we were unwilling before, yet we are made willing afterwards; so willing, that we desire and pray to be led by the Spirit.(See #Ps 25:5 143:10 So 1:4) (Poole's New Testament Commentary)


OK, just how do we let the Spirit lead us? I really like the picture drawn by the writers above, of a blind man who is led on his way, or drawn on when necessary, but not against our will.

When we become Christians we are born again, into a new way of living, with new values and ideals. We (should) seek that which is above and if we are doing that then the things which we value in our lives will change. We will begin (as we grow in Christ) to place more value on the spiritual and less on the material. We will begin to notice opportunities to serve God where we would never have seen them before.


You might protest, I don't believe in the supernatural work of the Spirit in leading people! Might I ask you, have you or one of your spiritual leaders ever prayed to God, "Lord, help our minister remember the things he has prepared"? Have you ever prayed, "God lead us not unto temptation?" Have you ever prayed, "Lord watch over my children while they are in school"? Or how about, "Lord, help me to make the right decisions in my life"? Or "Lord, help me to know what your will is for me in my life"? Have you ever prayed, "God open the doors for the missionaries to go into that country"? Or, "Watch over us until we can meet again." Or, "Watch over that person while they travel." Or, "Lord heal that person and return them to their family".

You see, if you have done that or something similar, then you must believe that God still works in our world! Does he still bring tongues of fire down upon people heads? No, but that does not decrease the power he has to work in the lives of men and women in our world today.

How does the Spirit of God lead us today? Let me make a couple of suggestions. In Acts 16:6-10 we can gain some insight in to this. Notice the incident:

"Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been kept by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas. During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, "Come over to Macedonia and help us." After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them."

God sent a clear message to Paul and his companions; that they weren’t to go to Asia at that time. How did he send that message? I believe by closing the door that would allow them to go. Yet, when God wanted them to go to Macedonia he put that burden on Paul's heart by allowing him to see the needs there and he "concluded that God had called them to preach the gospel to them."

Does God still direct us in that way? I think he does! I really believe that God puts burdens on our heart to do things or go places that will help the lost be saved or his kingdom be strengthened!


In 1989 I had been working with the Averill Ave. congregation in Flint, Michigan for 8 years. We had a good working relationship and the support of a loving group of Christians and great elders. Melody and I began talking one day about the future and what we felt we would like to do. To our mutual surprise, both of us had a desire to go to Africa and work in Missions. I believe that God put that dream there, that vision of those where were lost and crying out for someone to come help them.

I knew an elder, Jack Vinton, at a sister congregation in the city which was deeply involved in missions in Kenya, East Africa. I called him and told him that my wife and I were interested in finding out more about African missions. Later that week we met at his home for supper and he shared videos, slides and much information about their mission effort.

Two weeks later Jack called me and said, "Russ, there is a congregation in the Detroit area that has been looking for two years for someone to go to Kenya and replace a missionary who is leaving. They want you to come down and meet them." So that week we traveled to Detroit and met Hayward and Sandra Burton and discussed their needs and how we felt led to become involved in missions.

In three months we set off for what is called a "survey" trip, to take a look at the work and the country and make a decision as to whether this is where we felt God wanted us.

Six months from the time we initially began to pray that the Lord would guide us we moved to Africa. What do you think? Did God prepare the way? Did he plant the seed in our hearts through the leading of the Spirit? Did he open the doors? My wife and I believe with all of our hearts that he did!


We had been living in Kenya for about a year and were part of a team with Dan and Beverly Bell and Later David High and his family. We were all struggling and over worked because of the multitudes of people that we needed to reach. There were about 400 congregations (mostly home churches) in a 200 square mile area where we predominantly worked. We were praying that God would help us find a way to help reach and minister to these people. One night I was sound asleep and dreaming about our problem and woke up, set up in bed and had a program for helping reach people in my mind. I got up and in 30 minutes outlined a program which has been in place for 21 years and taught countless people. The next day I called the other team members and said we have to get together. I shared with them the basics of a plan which would become "African Christian Literature Outreach" and later grew in to "World Christian Literature Outreach". This program has not gone into 17 different countries with no advertising, just word of mouth spreading the messages about what we are doing.

Did the Spirit lead us? I think he did?


We are back to the original question again. I believe that the Spirit leads those who are open to his leading. Just like leading or guiding the blind man about which the writers above spoke. I would suggest that first we need to get rid of self, our desires, our wants, our needs and put God and His kingdom first in our lives. You see we have to make room for the Spirit of God in our lives. He will not force himself upon us; we have to look for ways to serve him. It has been my experience that when we are sincerely trying to serve God he will open the doors he wants us to go through. If we try to do something and it just doesn't work, if "the door won't open" so to speak, if there are barriers set before you, if your efforts fail, that probably a pretty good indication that's not the direction God wants us to go.

How can you know what direction God wants you to go? First pray sincerely, with all your heart about whatever it is you want to do. (Did I mention that there is something required of you, as in "effort" or "commitment"?). Make some effort to do that thing, to start in that direction, if the door does not open, then step back and rethink what you are doing! Are you really putting God and His kingdom first, or is it really just something you want?