As time passed some missionaries came to this land and
taught people about a man named Jesus. Many believed, yet at the same time,
many did not. The Witch doctors were of course very unhappy as they made their
living selling spells, potions and talismans to the people. Those who turned to
follow Jesus rejected witchcraft, so there was a constant conflict among them.
The man in our story came to follow Jesus, he began to
practice Christianity. The man’s wife was a believer in witchcraft and opposed
her husbands continually and it was a serious problem between them. It was so
much of a problem that she couldn’t stand it any longer and decided to take
drastic action. She went to the Witchdoctor and asked for a way to change or
kill her husband.
The Witchdoctor had the perfect plan; he went to the man’s
house while he was working in the fields and placed an egg before the door of
the house. He made a special incantation over the egg and sprinkled it with a
supposed “magic” powder. When the Christian man looked at the egg it was
supposed to make him sick and cause him to die.
When the Christian man arrived home he saw the egg and knew
just what it was. He noticed all of his neighbors watching from their doorways
and wondering what he would do. To the man it was a test of his new faith; he
no longer believed that Witchcraft had any power over him, so he decided to
prove that point. He walked up to the egg and proclaimed loudly, “Look at this,
God has blessed me with an egg for my supper”. He went into his home, gathered
a pan and things to make a fire. He came out and made a fire in front of his
house and cooked the egg and ate it to the amazement of all of his neighbors.
It was his testimony of his faith in Jesus Christ.
Now you may think that this is an interesting story, but
just a story. But it is not! It is a true story that really happened in a small
village in Kenya, East Africa. I have been to the house of the man, I have
worshiped at the church he began in his village, I have met his wife who was
then a believer also.
is your testimony? What does the world think of when they see you? Does your
faith show though in the way you live, the things you say, the way you dress,
the faith you exhibit in your actions? Jesus put it in simple terms for us in Matthew 5:15-16 where he said, “Neither
do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand,
and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light
shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father
in heaven”. How are you doing?