Seriously, I thought these words were immortalized by Charles Shultz with his famous cartoon character "Snoopy". Often Snoopy would be shown sitting in front of a typewriter typing those words. Needless to say, I was somewhat surprised when I just began a new SiFi novel (new to me) written back in 1962. The first words on the first page were, "It was a dark and stormy night" (From: "A wrinkle in time").
As I read those words, my mind flashed back to the night in the New Testament when a few men were making their way across the Sea of Galilee on a dark and stormy night. Have you ever experienced one of those nights? The ones that seem to bring total darkness, that leave you feeling totally alone, that cause you to feel like no one in this world cares?

Have you ever forgotten that Jesus was right there in the boat with you on your "dark and stormy night"? Or like these men, failed to realize his power or who he really was? After Jesus stilled the storm these men ask, "Who is this man?" they still didn't get it, they still didn't understand. What about you?
When you are in the middle of your personal storm, to who to you cry out? Do you call your parents, or your friends, or your work mates, or your school mates? Why is it that far too often we don't think to call out to the one who can still the storm until we have no where else to go, rather than calling on him first?