Then there are the newspaper headlines which are designed to catch our attention such as these: "Sun or rain expected today, Dark tonight." Or "Psychics predict, the world didn't end yesterday!" Or "Cincinnati Dry Cleaner sentenced in suit!" Or again one of my favorites, "Tips to avoid alligators: Don't swim in waters inhabited by large alligators."
Of course each of these sentences, were trying to convey a thought which could very easily be interpreted another way. That's not what the authors intended, it's not what you might think after reading these statements. How do we know what was the intention of the author? If we know them it helps, if we have some insight into the culture and social events that helps also. But if we are readers of their other writings often they will explain what they mean more clearly in one place than another.
Of course I want us to think about this in regards to God's Word. I have been encouraging you to read God's word daily. I don't care if you have a particular plan or not, just let God speak to you every day. It's important to do that if you ever want to understand God's message for yourself and not have to just take someone else's word for what He says!
Many years ago I was in a religious discussion with another preacher. We disagreed about the meaning of a particular passage of scripture which I though was very clear. I finally asked him to explain to me what the scripture meant. I was shocked by the response of: "I don't know what it means, but it doesn't mean what it says!" I still shake my head in amazement at that answer from a religious leader. I can't fathom the idea that God's Word doesn't mean what it says.
I know that some of you get confused by all of the different beliefs and teachings you hear. I can sympathize with you as you are sometimes overwhelmed by what someone might say. Here is one of the keys to understanding God's Word (and ending the confusion) that was driven into my thinking over 40 years ago when I was a preaching student. "Let God's Word interpret itself." In other words, read and study the bible daily. Allow God to speak to you through His Word and you may be amazed at how your understanding will grow. Don't worry so much about what preachers, writers, or commentators have to say, let God's Word teach you and you will find a much less confusing world.
Spend time in God's Word, it just might not be what you think at all!